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Why a lot of people are LEAVING Houston, Texas

Home Inspection Cypress TX

There’s no denying it: We love Houston. But no matter how much you love a city, there are always drawbacks.

If you’ve been thinking of moving to Houston, you may be curious about what some of its downsides are. Here are 7 reasons why some of our clients ultimately decided not to move to Houston.

High Property Taxes

One of the biggest reasons people decide not to move to Houston is because of the property taxes here. We have higher-than-average property tax, ranging anywhere from 2% all the way up to 3.7% in some of the new master-planned communities. To put that in perspective, if you purchase a $500,000 home, the tax would be an additional $18,000 annually or $1,500 a month on top of your monthly mortgage payments. That can significantly change how much buyers are able to afford here.

The good news is that we do have some exemptions that help lower the property tax, and there’s no state income tax in Texas. People moving here from another state often find that costs tend to even out in the long run.

For those of you moving from a state that has low property tax and no state income taxes, then it’s definitely a big expense to consider.


Although it doesn’t happen very often, Houston is a city that can flood during severe thunderstorms or the occasional hurricane. There are some areas that are more prone to flooding than other areas, so it’s important to do your research and figure out where you want to live and how much of a flood risk you’re willing to have.

Even if your home is located outside of a flood plain, it doesn’t mean there’s no risk of flooding. In fact, 37% of insurance claims in Houston are for homes outside of the floodplain. Houston’s terrain is always changing, and it’s important to get flood insurance even if you’re not in a designated flood area.

Heat & Humidity

Speaking of weather, it’s very hot and humid in Houston for the majority of the year. You can anticipate it being in the 90s with humidity for at least five months of the year.

If you ask us, the humidity and heat in Houston are much more tolerable compared to the dry heat of the west coast, but it’s a personal preference.

If you’re moving to Houston, be prepared! The weather can be extreme at times and you may see occasional hurricanes, thunderstorms, or even tornados.

Less Affordable

Another reason people are changing their minds about living in Houston is that it’s not as affordable as it once was. The average price of a home is currently in the $400Ks, whereas a couple of years ago it was in the $200Ks.

Some people initially come here thinking they can get a huge house for $300,000. Although that is the case for some areas of Houston, that is nearly impossible for a majority of areas now..

But, if you’re coming from many other out-of-state markets (especially on the east coast or the west coast) Houston is still a very affordable market comparatively.

Too Large

Houston is a huge city and too big for some people. It can take you a few hours to get from one end to the other, and our city is very car-dependent. There might be a few neighborhoods where you can get by with public transportation or walking, but for the most part, a car is almost a necessity when living in Houston.

If you’re thinking of moving to the city and have no idea where you want to live, we would recommend visiting for a preliminary exploratory trip to see all the different areas before you come for your official house-hunting trip.


Houston is a big city with a big city crime. It’s the fourth-largest city in the country, and with so many people naturally comes a higher-than-average crime rate.

It can be helpful to research the crime rates in the different areas where you might like to live. Some neighborhoods are safer than others. There are many areas of Houston where we feel completely safe, and some areas are just known for having a lot of crime. This is something you should definitely consider before moving to Houston.

Too Ugly

The final reason people are changing their minds about moving to Houston is that they think it’s ugly. It’s a very flat city, there are no mountains, and outdoor recreational activities are limited. Some people also dislike that there are a lot of oil refineries and industrial areas in the city.

Although we have a ton of trees, green spaces, parks, and natural bayous, this is not everyone’s cup of tea. We personally think Houston is a beautiful city!

If you currently live or have lived in Houston, let us know what you love or hate about living here.

Or if you’re thinking of moving to Houston and want to learn more about the amazing aspects of the city, get in touch! We can help make the home building, buying, and selling process as seamless as possible for your family.